Lori and Bob's Brilliant Adventure

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Mission Accomplished

JoDee and I went for a long run (I think about 7 miles) first thing this morning. It was a gorgeous run, taking us past the Newstead Abbey again, and through a couple of villages.

Because of the earlier professor/tutor strike, JoDee has been up against a deadline, not to finish her thesis (that's been done since April), but to defend it, do any necessary corrections, get it bound, and submit the thesis officially to the college. She's already missed the deadline for graduation, but under the circumstances, they told her that if she got her final bound thesis submitted to the University by today, she could go through with graduation. So, on Monday she submitted the approved copy to the printers, and they delivered 3 bound copies to her today via courier (see the above picture). JoDee and I drove into Nottingham to the University to deliver it. I met her supervisor, and a handful of other people she's been working with, and we officially submitted the thesis. Whew! Now all she has to do is go through graduation ceremonies, and she's finished being a student.

With that done, we went home, where Bob and Paul had shown the house to a prospective buyer (and did all the clean-up required to show the house in 30 minutes). Went out to a pub for dinner, then home for dessert and card games. Tomorrow we leave on our 4-day trip, so we've got some packing and other preparations to do.


At 5:59 PM, Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so impressed! Thanks for letting me see the thesis...I just wish I could read the title.......
Congratulations to JoDee!!!


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